5 Common Missteps That Can Compromise a Green Company’s
If you decide to start a business with a commitment to sustainability, the bar is high for adhering to this standard.
Indeed, you’ll likely face scrutiny from customers and investors, so it’s essential that you practice what you preach.
Even with the best intentions, though, it’s easy for a green business to make mistakes that compromise its credibility. If you aspire to be a sustainable entrepreneur, be careful to avoid these five common mistakes, courtesy of Permaculture Kernow.
Not Practicing Sustainability in Every Area
Practicing selective sustainability. If you open a restaurant that purports to be green, you need to be sure that you maintain these values throughout every part of your operation.
You might source all of your dishes’ ingredients from local vendors, for example, yet generate egregious levels of waste.
This would offset any positive impact your sourcing practices may have.
Maintaining wasteful administrative practices. Too often, a business that claims to be green will maintain administrative practices that generate unnecessary waste.
Maintaining paper records, for example, can be a major problem.
Instead, you can digitize paper documents and convert the scanned images into PDFs.
You can then store them in the cloud or on your computer.
If the scan doesn’t come out in the correct direction, you can rotate a PDF online to orient it the right way.
Marketing in ways that are wasteful. Marketing is yet another area in which green businesses may be
unintentionally wasteful.
If you produce paper flyers or place ads in paper publications, you’re likely contributing to waste. Online marketing is more effective and more aligned with sustainability goals.
Regardless of what marketing platform you use, though, you should invest in a logo to make your business stand out.
A graphic designer will likely be costly, so you may consider using a logo maker tool online that allows you to customize the colors, text, and font.
Prioritizing Money Over Sustainability
Focusing on profit margin.
According to research, the average business enjoys a profit margin of 7% to 10%.
For a green business, though, this margin may be lower.
Green businesses often have a higher-than-average operating cost due to the additional expenses of maintaining sustainable practices.
Rather than try to cut costs — and cut corners — it’s best to work these expenses into your budget.
Choosing the wrong business structure. Although this doesn’t necessarily affect sustainability, it’s a common mistake nonetheless. It’s imperative for any business to elect the right business structure.
For example, you could choose an S-Corp ( or as a CIC or CIO in the UK) to take advantage of pass-through taxation and savings on self-employment taxes.
You can save money by filing for yourself or using a formation service. Just remember to
minimize your paper waste, no matter how you choose to file.
Take Sustainability Seriously in Your Business
Sustainability is a serious issue. If you’ve chosen to start a business and maintain green practices as part of its principles, you need to ensure that you stick to this commitment.
To do so, you must minimize waste, be green in every area of your business, and prioritize the environment above your profits.
This will help you maintain your credibility and attract customers.
Move Beyond Competition Towards Cooperation
If you are starting an ecological enterprise or thinking of making your existing business more environmentally sustainable, why not join us on one of our free ecological enterprise webinar to see how we at Permaculture Kernow can help you.
This artical waS written by Mark Harris of awarenesstoolkits.com
Edited by Joshua Gomez
Image via Pexels
Published 26/09/2022
“Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labor; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system.”
Bill Mollison
"Permaculture is a revolution disguised as gardening"
Mike Feingold
"Traditional agriculture was labour intensive, industrial agriculture is energy intensive, and permaculture-designed systems are information and design intensive."
David Holmgren
"Permaculture gives us a toolkit for moving from a culture of fear and scarcity to one of love and abundance"
Toby Hemenway
Here are some of my favourite permaculture definitions and although they are great definitions, they do not adequately define permaculture in its entirety. All are true, meaning no offence to any of these great permaculture teachers and authors (as they are some of the best), but all fall short of this tremendously essential and vast subject’s definition.
I have taught many permaculture design courses to people from all over the world and at the beginning of each course, before they have any permaculture lessons, I asked them what is your definition of permaculture?
Even at the beginning of the course, they come up with equally valid definitions. At the very end of the course I asked them again ‘what is your definition of permaculture?’, and it becomes no easier a task for them to find it in a short sentence or even a paragraph.. Of course, their definition has improved but it still falls short.
Even after designing and teaching for over 10 years, I'm still working on my shortened definition.
So, I cannot hope to adequately define for you what permaculture is in one short blog post but hopefully, you will remain with us and read through many of the blog posts to come, to get a clearer image. If you are interested, why not join us on one of our courses to gain a greater in-depth knowledge of permaculture for yourself.
Permaculture is defined as a design system that is based on three main ethics.
People care
Fair share, which was originally defined as limits to consumption and redistribution of surplus is now commonly evolving to become referred to by some as Care of the Future.
These ethics in and of themselves are not new.
Almost all indigenous cultures that thrived on this planet for countless millennia, had a set of very similar ethics as a guiding force to all of their activities with nature and the environment, from within which they lived and gained all of their resources.
In that way permaculture is not new. It is a return to an ethical basis to our society.
What ethics would you class our current society is based upon?
Greed? This is what many of my students have answered or is more commonly referred to as enterprise or entrepreneurialism in our modern industrialised society.
Can you think of any other ethics that are guiding forces of our current economic, environmental and social paradigm?
Beyond these ethics, there are also a set of principles that permaculture has, that are universally applicable. I will not go into them all here as there are many but I will in future posts and you could research them for yourself in the meantime.
The principles can be utilised to:
1.Understand better how nature works
2.To check that you are working with nature in your design
3.Use as tools to creatively think your way around a problem.
4.Enable you to create more energy-efficient designs where nature does much of the work for itself.
5.Help you create systems that work like ecosystems
And much more.
Here is a simple example of a permaculture application.
A street of housing has areas of flooding whenever there are long periods of rain.
For some members of the street, this results in an overflowing of their cesspits causing blackwater pollution to spill out onto land.
The standard course of action.
The owners call up the water company and report the issue (directly handing over the responsibility of care to an external company). The water company gives them a slight reduction on the drainage cost of their bills, then they come and bleach the hard surfaces to counteract the chances of contamination but in turn, further increasing the pollution to the environment.
Possible permaculture course of action.
All the neighbours gather together to discuss the issue and find a collective response or solution. One person states "Water at some times of the year are of great use to everyone," someone else asks the question, "Why is there so much flooding, there never used to be?" They discuss this and mutually decide, it’s because many people are hard surfacing their landscapes creating more runoff and climate change may cause even longer periods of rainfall.
They all decide that to counteract the flooding issue, they will have water butts on each property to gather as much of the rain as they can for dryer months of the year as irrigation.
Many commit to digging small ponds to allow the remaining water to accumulate in the places that they want the water to be.
This results in many of the landmasses having no more flooding and becoming far more agriculturally abundant. The neighbours that had the issue with the black water overflow no longer have that issue thanks to the efforts of the whole community.
You'll see that the actions taken by these two approaches are very different and the results are significantly different.
One, in the attempt of a quick fix only worsens the problem of pollution and does not look to the cause of the main problem of flooding.
The other takes a more holistic approach, everyone talking about the situation together, looking at it from all angles and perspectives. The fact is that flooding can be seen as a problem but it could also be seen as a solution. An action plan is mutually formed. They commit to all working together to counteract the runoff problem by the addition of water butts. Some in the community see that ponds are a great addition to the garden and create a shelter and habitat for many wild species. As you see this approach turns a problem into a mutual benefit to everyone in the community.
People's water bills are lowered, plants grow happier on chlorine-free water . Frogs, toads, newts, and countless other species all move into the new habitats that are created.
This is the approach of permaculture, we create win-win-win situations where our own lives are improved, the life of our neighbours are improved and the ecosystem around us benefits by our actions.
It creates a community sense of interdependence and mutual responsibility.
When a community is facing a problem and is allowed the time and energy to solve it in their own way, everyone is empowered by the process. This also results in strengthening bonds and a feeling of community care.
Permaculture doesn't believe in self-sufficiency as an individual.
There is no living organism on this planet that is completely sufficient unto itself.
All living organisms live in a community or ecosystem and have mutual interdependence. The more members, the more ecological links, the more ecological links, the more benefits for each individual and the system as a whole.
Permaculture Kernow aims to:
Help individuals build for themselves a livelihood that is both ecologically conscious and economically profitable.
Help them bring their community back into alignment with the planet;
work with individuals and groups to design for themselves ecological solutions and permaculture projects;
to nurture a strong human ecosystem or community.
It starts with the simple step of seeing ourselves as a crucial resource in our community.
Everyone needs a ….. at times.
Fill in the blank with a product or service that you can provide for your local community and you've found your niche and essential functions in our human ecosystem.
It doesn’t stop there, as any plant, animal or insect doesn't just do one thing in an ecosystem, we too are encouraged to diversify our passions and skillset as we all co-create a local ecological economy.
We then share in the abundance of benefits that come when we appreciate, enrich and care for the natural commonwealth of our local bioregion. This includes the soils, the water systems, the fungi, plants, animals and insects that make up our local biodiversity. It also includes our culture, arts and craft, song, dance and storytelling. We finally find our space to express and experience, to listen and to be heard.
This is just some of what permaculture is, be it in a sentence, a paragraph, a book or even a whole library of books, you will still fall short of the full definition of the enormity of this subject. It is work still in the progress, an evolution that only increases the more people get involved in the subject.
So I invite you all to join in this revolutionary evolution and start to build for yourself your own definition of permaculture.
Why not become a member of Permaculture Kernow and become a Permaculture ecolutionary in your local community?
“Permaculture is the design of regenerative, self-sustaining and resilient natural systems that fulfils all aspects of human needs, such as food, shelter, health, social, cultural and psychological needs whilst acknowledging and providing for the needs of all species within our ecosystem and caring for the Earth's biosphere as a whole.”
Joshua Gomez
Graduate Student’s design work
Lucie’s and Yago’s design Work.
They both worked on individual designs for the same site, purposely not showing each other their designs till the presentation.
This is a clear illustration that there is no one approach to permaculture design, but it is rather a balance of both the client’s and the super client’s (that land itself) needs in relation to the overall goal of the project. Each design approach is equally valid as long as we remember to keep everything functionally inter connected and interdependent.
” the end result is a system that is ecologically sound and economical profitable” Bill Morison.
Walter's Design
Zenna's Design
Emma's design
By Lucie Batten
Chamomile is a common name for the Asteraceae family, which include more than 23,600 species of herbs, shrubs and trees all around the world. They commonly look like daisy flowers. Chamomile means “earth flower” in Greek. The two most common types of chamomile are the German, and the Roman ones. The German one is the one used for medicinal purposes (because oils are more potent) and Roman for ornamental purposes looking nice in a garden bed or wildflower meadow.
The chamomile plant is very easy to grow. It needs water, sun to partial shade, a well-draining and sandy soil, and loads of moisture which creates a dense mat. They are also great because they are drought tolerant and can also grow in a relatively warm and dry environment.
Firstly, the chamomile has been named ‘the physician plant’, because it seems to support and heal many plants it is planted next to.
Firstly, the chamomile has been named ‘the physician plant’, because it seems to support and heal many plants it is planted next to.
Chamomile has a strong smell, which prevents unwanted bugs from your vegetable garden. It also attracts pollinators through its flowers, and beneficial bugs for your neighbour plants. Furthermore, it is a fertilizer plant: its roots bring up potassium phosphorus and calcium. Chamomile is said to especially improve fruit trees, cabbage and onion crops.
Finally, it can also be a great and beautiful ornamental plant.
Healing Properties
The most common way to use chamomile is to drink it in a tea, which has excellent calming properties.
But the plant also produces beneficial essential oils for humans: it has been used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, mild astringent and healing medicine. Particularly it is efficient in treating wounds, ulcers, eczema, gout, skin irritations, bruises, burns, canker sores, neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatic pain, hemorrhoids, and mastitis. In most recent years, it has been proven that chamomile can help curing certain types of cancer.
Chamomile flowers and seeds are perfectly safe to eat. You can eat them fresh or dried, in salads or teas. They are also very nice as a natural food flavouring.
For humans, chamomile can have several negative side effects, but most of the time these are mild symptoms and not very dangerous. The most common side effects are skin reactions (dermatitis) or allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). If you apply it very close to the eyes, you can get an eye irritation, and you can vomit when taken in large amounts. Overall, chamomile is a very natural and safe way to heal, despite a few possible side effects.
Phyllostachys nidularia / Broom bamboo, Big-Node bamboo
By Walter de Rooij
General information
Phyllostachys Nidularia (Broom Bamboo) is an evergreen, running (monopodial) bamboo. It can act like a clumping (sympodial) bamboo in cooler climates (like the UK), although you shouldn’t count on this. So if you want to prevent spreading either build a rhizome barrier or harvest the young shoots aggressively. Broom bamboo is cultivated as a source of food and materials and can also be used for soil stabilization. (Broom Bamboo is hermaphrodite (meaning it has both female and male organs) and is wind pollinated.
Broom bamboo grows on a wide variety of soil, from sandy to clay and from acid to alkaline. It can grow in full sun or, as in its native forest environment, in partial shade.
Broom bamboo tolerates frost up to -10C/14F (with some reports of it withstanding -18C/0.4F) but does not like prolonged exposure to hard frosts.
It likes to grow in moist soil, can stand very wet soils and can even withstand occasional flooding.
Great Builder in the Garden
Broom bamboo makes for a great hedge plant that can create a privacy or wind barrier. The culms can be used to build fences, erect sheds or simply as plant supports in the garden.
Aside from that Broom bamboo is a very good soil stabilizer and can be used to stabilize slopes to help prevent or stop erosion.
Companion planting
Broom bamboo is a great companion for climbing beans as they provide the beans with a living trellis while the beans in turn provide the bamboo with nitrogen
In the Kitchen
Young Broom bamboo shoots are some of the few bamboo shoots that don’t taste bitter, not even when they’re raw. In fact, in China they are appreciated for their delicate flavour.
Bamboo shoots are low in calories, high in dietary fiber, and rich in various nutrients. The main nutrients in bamboo shoots are protein, carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, fat, sugar, fiber, and inorganic salts. The shoots have a good profile of minerals, consisting mainly of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), manganese, zinc, chromium, copper, iron (Fe) and selenium. So they’re definitely worth including in your diet.
Fun fact
Phyllostachys Nidularia Munro is the favorite food of captive giant Pandas in China.
Majestic Moringa
by Aaron Henry
Moringa Oleifera – commonly known as Moringa, or Drumstick is a slender yet highly productive understory tree, native to the Indian subcontinent. A member of the Moringaceae family, the tree is highly prized by many cultures, due to its rapid growth, resistance to drought and proliferation of uses.
The name Moringa derives from the Tamil word murungai, which means “twisted pod”, referring to the young fruit (drumsticks). The species name is derived from the Latin words oleum “oil” and ferre “to bear”.
It is a deciduous perennial tree with very deep tap roots, a light frame and long, fragile branches. The tree fruits and has fragrant, hermaphroditic flowers that usually bloom once a year, but can appear twice annually in optimum conditions.
Originating from the Indian subcontinent, Moringa thrives in semi-arid tropical and subtropical climates, (USDA zones 9&10). It is most comfortable between 25-35c, but will tolerate temperatures up to 48c,(in the shade) and can even survive a light frost. However, if the plant completely freezes it will die.
Moringa can grow in most soils, but it thrives in well-drained sandy or loamy soil with a neutral to slightly acidic pH(6.3-7.0). Drainage is important, as water-logged roots are prone to rotting.
The world’s largest producer of Moringa is India, with approximately 1.2 million tonnes of fruits harvested annually. It is also widely cultivated in South Asia, Southeast Asia, (especially Philippines &Indonesia), the Caribbean, Africa, Central America, northern countries of South America and various countries of Oceania.
Fun fact
In terms of companion planting, Moringa benefits greatly from growing alongside sweet potatoes (Ipomoea Batatas), Holy Basil (Olimum Tenuiflorum) and varieties of beans. The foliage of sweet potatoes overshade and therefore kill off competitive weeds, Holy Basil acts as a repellent to insect pests and beans act as a nitrogen fixer and assist in soil drainage.
The esteemed position that Moringa has in many cultures stems from the plants potency as a source of nutrition and medicine. While a modest, whispy-looking tree, (height 10-12m, trunk diameter <45cm), the yield that can be obtained from the fruits/seed pods, seeds, leaves, flowers, oil and roots make it an invaluable cultivar for people of tropical/subtropical regions.
fruits – known as “drumsticks” are immature seed pods that can be boiled/ parboiled and consumed soft. They are a good source of fibre, potassium, magnesium & manganese.
seeds – from mature pods can be eaten raw like peas or roasted like nuts and contain high amounts of vitamin C, as well as vitamin B.
leaves – packed with nutrients and can be eaten raw, cooked or pulverised and used as a supplement. The leaves of the Moringa tree are very rich in iron, protein & calcium, as well as other trace vitamins and minerals.
oil – extracted from pressed seeds, called Ben oil is high in Behenic acid.
flowers – are edible and contain trace minerals.
roots – can be shredded/pulverised and used as a condiment that is rich in Polyphenols.
The medicinal properties of Moringa are just as potent, with the whole plant (bark, sap, roots, leaves, seeds, seed pods and flowers), being utilised in traditional medicines. Uses include topical applications for skin complaints, insect bites and wound cleaning. Anti-septic and detergent uses. Anthelmintic effects, used in the treatment of worms/parasites. Also the “press cake” (dried, pressed seeds) can be used as an anti-pollutant to dry out contaminant sludge and as a form of filtration to produce potable water for livestock and humans alike.
In summation, it is not an exaggeration to call Moringa Oleifera a “wonderplant”. So modest and unassuming in appearance, yet so rich and generous in how it redistributes the treasures of its surroundings. Moringa, I salute you!
Foraging for Elderflowers to Make Cordial
Elderflowers are in season from end of May to the beginning of June, so now is a perfect time to go foraging. They enjoy sunny locations and can be found in most hedgerows. The cream coloured flowerhead blossoms have a beautiful honey like scent and a highly aromatic smell. So on a recent walk I actually smelt the flowers before seeing them.
With the weather being so beautiful at the moment I thought it would be lovely to have a go at making some Elderflower and Citrus cordial. Here’s my recipe below if you fancy having a go for yourself. It’s very easy and tastes delicious!
Best time to collect the flower-heads fresh and new when the tiny buds have just started to open.
I made a litre of cordial by using about 5/6 flower-heads with the zest of a lemon and orange. This helps to preserve the cordial and add tartness.
Wash and check the Elderflower-heads for any insects.
Place in a bowl with the zest & juice of one lemon and one orange.
Then boil a litre of water in a saucepan and pour over the flower heads, zest, and citrus juice and leave to infuse overnight.
Once infused use a muslin cloth and drain the liquid into a fresh bowl.
Then heat the liquid again and add palm sugar (I used about 90g of palm sugar) but you can use more for extra sweetness.
Stir over a gentle heat, making sure the palm sugar dissolves fully.
Once the sugar has dissolved, simmer for a further 2/3 minutes.
Set aside to cool. Place in a sterilised bottle.
Serve with soda water and ice.
Elderflower teas and cordial were traditionally used in herbal medicine of Bulgaria and the ex-Yugoslavia region. Some of the benefits of this beautiful delicate plant are comprised of several essential vitamins. These include Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 Complex and C. The flower is rich in bioflavonoids, which are commonly known for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Elderflowers are good for swollen sinuses (sinusitis), colds, influenza (flu) and bronchitis.
#elderflowercordial #foraging #elderflowerbenefits
Written by Tracey Fenner
Student of the Permaculture Design Course with Permaculture Kernow
Moving to SW France to start a Permaculture Farm shortly.
All photos taken by Tracey Fenner
Milk Thistle – Silybum Marianum
By David Fenner
Native to the Mediterranean, Milk Thistle is a hardy biennial, pollinated by Bees, which grows quickly to a height of 1.2m. A good green manure plant flowering between July and September, Silybum Marianum flourishes in moist, well-drained soils which can vary in content between sandy, loamy, or heavy clay.
The plant has been used in herbal medicine for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Andrew Chavallier, FNIMH, states in his ‘Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine’ (DK Publishing), that recent research confirms traditional herbal knowledge proving the herb has the ability to protect the liver from damage from alcoholic and other types of poisoning and has shown to protect the liver in people taking chemotherapy for cancer. It is also know to increase breast milk production.
Almost the entire plant is used, from the root to the flower buds. It may be eaten raw, but the flower buds will need to be cooked in some way and can be used as a Globe Artichoke substitute. Flower heads are eaten fresh as a tonic food, the root has a mucilaginous texture similar to Ochre and Aloe, but it’s the seeds which are mainly used in remedies.
Silymarin is the substance in the seeds which protect the liver and may be taken as a decoction for liver infections, a tincture to help hay fever, or even in capsules for hangovers.
Milk Thistle has a number of benefits and is a useful addition to any medicine garden.
Calendula officinalis / Common Marigold
Calendula sure is easy to grow, if it isn’t growing already wild in your local area.
It will tolerate almost any soil type, but likes a full to partially sunny position. It will tolerate some frost and self seeds readily.
Sow in situ in spring or autumn and protect with a cloche if frost becomes severe.
Good Company
Calendula is a good plant to have around in the veg garden as it is credited with generally keeping out the harmful bugs and attracting beneficial ones.
It is especially effective at repelling the asparagus beetle, tomato worm and keeping the soil free of nasty nematodes and on top of all this the bees love them!
Healing Properties
Calendula is an amazing plant with many healing qualities and uses. Calendula has anti-fungal properties which are both effective internally and externally.
It is most commonly used externally for its vulnerary action in the treatment of minor burns and wounds, but in fact it is effective in the treatment of any local skin complaint. From insect bites to acne, to bruising or strains, whether in lotion, ointment, soap, poultice, or compress, calendula is one of the best natural remedies.
Internally in an infusion or tincture Calendula is a great plant to ease stomach complaints, such as ulcers, inflammation and other digestive disorders. It is also useful internally as an emmenagogue in the treatment of delayed menstruation and period pain, as it is in general normaliser of the menstrual cycle.
In the Kitchen
Calendula flowers and petals are used to flavour and dye food, as a saffron substitute it makes a beautiful golden rice.
If that’s not enough to make you want to grow it, Calendula also tastes delicious, is rich in vitamins and minerals, and makes a delightful addition to a salad.
Making a sheet mulch.
To grow your own food, reduce waste, build soil and reduce watering needs, all seem like very important acts at this time. Here’s a simple way to achieve it all in the building of your own sheet mulch.
These raised beds can be made anywhere and as large or small as you like.
We are mimicking how soil is naturally built. If you abandoned any outdoor space long enough, leaf litter and other organic waste would naturally accumulate. Small plants would grow and die off, leaving more organic matter and making way for larger plants to grow. Natural succession would then follow until trees grew there over the years, leaving even more organic matter.
Have you every looked at that rich woodland soil? Smelt that earth goodness?
You don’t need to go and fertilize that woodland, because it’s better at recycling it’s resources then we ever will be.
But we can take lessons from how it is building its soils and although it may take hundreds of years for that abandoned land to build just a few inches of soil, we can do it in less than a year if we apply the same strategies.
Step one
Cut all vegetation down to ground level and leave the plant matter where it falls.
Loosen the soil with a fork.
What if you don’t have any soil?
Not a problem a sheet mulch can be built on concrete or even a table top.
Step two
Lay down the weed exclusion layer.
This can be cardboard, newspaper, or any biodegradable fabric. The purpose of this layer is to exclude the sun’s light from the ground, making it impossible for the weeds to photosynthesise and regrow. All that they can do is decay back in the soil.
If you have doubts about this, have a go. I’ve seen it work as some of the most invasive of weeds, literally “bite the dust” this way. But make sure it is two layers thick to make be certain and be sure to cover all the soil of the bed space.
Make sure to water this layer in well.
Lay down the weed exclusion layer.
Step three
Now we come to the nitrogen rich “green” layer and water again.
This is where all the soil life of the party happens.
Its the kitchen and the larder! Its where all the minuscule beasties, breed, give birth, gorge and die! And it all goes into feeding the soil and feeding your plants.
This can be vegetarian and kitchen waste as we have used here, or you can use animal manure.
Ideally from a herbivore mammal.
Horse or donkey is best, any from rabbit to cow will also do.
Be warned that if you use any form of bird manure be sure to have a lot of carbon rich bedding materials mixed in, as bird manure is very rich and can easily become too nitrogen rich.
Step four
Lay the Carbon rich “brown layer”.
This is ideally straw or dry leaves, but if like me you are lacking these materials than you can use dried grass, hay, old weeding matter and has been left long enough that most of the seed has either fallen off or rotted.
This layer acts as both a source of carbon as well as closing the bed in so that moisture loss is reduced and the decaying process can begin.
Be sure to water this layer well too.
Step five
Now for the planting!
For this you will need either prepared seedlings or large seeds to plant, eg beans, pumpkin, sunflower, melon etc.
You need ready prepared compost or reasonably good topsoil.
First make a hole in the mulch with a gloved hand or trowel, make it about the size of a two fists, fill the hole with the compost or soil and plant your seed or seedling into the middle.
If it is a seedling that you have planted you can bring the carbon rich mulch layer back in around it, otherwise wait till the seed has grown up above the mulch before bringing the mulching back in around it.
Now all planted out with seedlings and large seeded plants.
More updates soon to come, So watch this space…
Permaculture Kernow has received it’s first funding.
Thank you to everyone that has helped Permaculture Kernow receive it’s first funding..
Permaculture Kernow has received it’s first funding from the National Lottery Awards For All.
Now that Permaculture Kernow has received it’s first funding, we are excited to be able to organise a series of events and the construction of our first community garden.
It is still to be confirmed, where this garden will be constructed. We will keep all our members informed every step of the way as things develop and unfold.
So join us, host an event or even start a community garden in your area, plant abundance and who knows ,with a little help from us, anything could be possible!
How can you help?
We are currently looking for participants, members and pledges, so that we can make Permaculture Kernow’s aims into a reality.
Otherwise maybe you are interested in learning with us by participating in one of our courses or coming to help out on one of our work days
Would you be interested getting something started in your area, please do not hesitate to contact us.
High lights from our successful funding application
Permaculture Kernow is a newly formed Association with its main focus on the education of individuals, including those from deprived communities and ecosystems, in all aspects of permaculture.
Our goal is to give these individuals the skills and knowledge necessary to create permaculture designs & implement projects within their community.
In time they can even create careers for themselves that are both ecologically sound and economically profitable because they will regenerate the local ecosystems and create natural resource abundance at the same time.
The feasibility of achieving our aim of establishing strong permaculture groups has been demonstrated through 32 people signing up to become members within two communities, through doing talks and screening a permaculture film.
All of our work has been designed based on the feedback from pilot sessions which involved a total of 57 people. The regions we intend to focus upon are Cornwall and Devon.
Here is some of the feedback we have received.
“As a mother, living on a low wage, (though working hard). I try to feed my family as healthily as I can but I can’t afford organic food. I gained so much from Permaculture Kernow’s inspiring and educational talk. I would so appreciate some training and workshops. I’d love to help create a community garden, to grow more of our own foods.”
“Very informative and given ideas of small and easy things to do to get started. Liked the idea of using nature to turn the problem into the solution”
“Really interesting talk and looking forward to putting some of this into practice.”
Now all planted out with seedlings and large seeded plants.
More updates soon to come, So watch this space…
None of this would be possible without the kind support of our members and our funders.
Thank You!
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